So...the night before my birthday Ken said I needed to be ready by 8:30 am to go some where and that he would not be going with me. I was so excited all night and asked him about 50 questions. He did not divulge the secret. I remembered that Sarah had mentioned something about going to "Good Things Utah" but after all those girls did this weekend...I thought there was no way. Imagine my surprise when Sarah and Rachel showed up on my front porch (which is no easy feat). It was even more crazy when we were joined by Corinne, Kristi and Stephanie! Do I have the most amazing friends to do this for me? I love GTU...I watch it every day! Those girls on the show have made me feel not so lonely in my house and they make my mornings enjoyable. I am so happy to say they are just as awesome in person! They are so very kind and had so many lovely things to say. It was just so much fun! After the show we went to lunch at the DoDo...another favorite spot and I haven't been there in years. I cannot thank my sweet friends enough for such a fantastic birthday surprise!
That seriously was SO fun. Good things Utah.... where the good things are!
such a fun day! I can hardly believe we pulled it off!
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